Sahaja Yoga Research And Health Benefits
  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahaja Yoga In The Workplace Sahaja Yoga In The Workplace

Most of us spend a lot of time at work and we all dream about a workplace where we could deal with enlightened people, integrate work and family life in a balanced and dharmic way, and (bottom line) enjoy what we do and the environment in which we do it.

  More Infomation  

Health benefits of Sahaja Yoga  

Times of India article on Shri Mataji's Stress Reduction Lecture  

Seminar on Sahaja Yoga at the National Institute of Health, Washington DC  

Research on water charged with Divine vibrations  

Sahaja Yoga in the workplace: a practical story about how Sahaja Yoga can improve the working environment  
This section deals with the relationship between Sahaja Yoga and the workplace. It includes articles and stories related by yogis on the way Sahaja Yoga helps them in their everyday life at work.

We plan to talk about the various ways in which Sahaja Yoga can affect our life at work, how to improve working conditions and about studies or theoretical contributions made on the more general topic of spiritual awakening and effectiveness of people at work.

The reality shows that conventional management practices no longer work. What is more, employees and managers are more and more stressed and are looking for solutions to their problems. The good news is than an increasing number of business people are aware that the rational has its limits and that the solution may come from very different directions such as the spiritual path and Sahaja Yoga in particular.

Sahaja Yoga for a Software Designer

I'm working as a software designer for a large sized corporation. Having to deal with the computer 8 hours a day is a constant source of imbalances for my attention that I need to constantly watch and correct, as well as my eyes, so that I can preserve a good eyesight without having to wear glasses. Also, being surrounded constantly by a really active group of people, I have to protect myself from becoming overactive - it's really fun to watch myself and where my attention is going, especially when a product deadline is approaching. The witnessing power that Sahaja Yoga gives has many a time been of great help.

Every morning when I arrive at the workplace, I always raise my Kundalini with my attention. After raising my Kundalini I take a moment to establish the peace within me by putting my attention on the Spirit in my heart: "I am not this body, mind, or project endeavor, but I am the pure Spirit, and I surrender all the work of the day to my Spirit".

Once this point is established, I feel refreshed, centered, and with my attention in the Sahasrara (seventh center, the point of our connection with the All-Pervading Power) I start my work.

Oh, how I wish my attention would stay there all the time till it's time to go home ! Well, but fortunately there is a lunch break and other short breaks I can take in the afternoon or even morning if I need to. And it took me a while to learn that yes, breaks are necessary to empty your mind of the work and refresh my attention by enjoying my Spirit for a couple minutes.

Luckily I live in a climate where it's summer 9 months of the year and we have a nice little courtyard inside the compound - more of a garden judging by the beautiful trees and flowers. I always take my lunch and a short break in the afternoon and, even if there are other people around, I always look only at the sky, clouds and all the nature surrounding me. After a while of fighting my "continuation thoughts" ('ok, so after lunch I gotta set that parameter to zero cuz' otherwise the analysis will be 12.5% off, plus...'), my mind is put to rest and I become again connected to the nature, to my Spirit, and a meditative state slowly sets in.

Back to my cube and can't catch a bug in the program ? I leave it for a few minutes, I go into meditation for a little while and there is a good chance that inspiration will come. "How come I didn't see the obvious?..."

Soon it's the end of the day. I have already had a couple short meditations - sometimes the Kundalini comes up by itself so strong that I give up whatever I'm doing and I just enjoy my meditation for even a few seconds. Some of these spontaneous meditations are amazingly beautiful... Outside, a big, huge sky is waiting for me to enjoy. All feels fresh, like I'm just about to go to a big party or celebration. And maybe I'm going to.

Making Sahaja Yoga meditation part of the day is my way of being free at work and sharing my joy with others.

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